Kids love bikes.  Adults who like to act like kids love bikes.  I’m lucky that I consider myself a kid and also have one.

The Strider ST-3 is a perfect step between tricycles and a 12.5″ kids pedal bike.  Some kids don’t understand the concept of pedaling at an early age, and ultimately choose to scoot around on a trike (most of the time hitting their shins on the pedals).  Luckily, my son enjoys both, but has gotten to the point that he’s getting a little tall for most tricycles.

The Strider allows kids of most heights to push around and coast on a sturdy little bike.  The seatpost is adjustable, and you even have the option to swap in a 22mm adult size seatpost and a kid’s bike saddle if/when they outgrow the bike.

One thing I like the most is that before kids commit to a peal bike, they are able to become familiar with the balance and stabilizing portion of upright riding well before they used to be able to.

It comes in 6 different colors, so no matter your child preference, they’ll be able to pick their favorite color of the day.  Mine enthusiastically cried “GEEN.”

Hey, maybe we’ll be able to skip the training wheels after-all.